Egg Animation
A quick 10 second video of an egg that comes to life. This egg animation was my entry for the #challengenoxon contest on Instagram. It was a stop motion contest by Noxon Technology and Edu Puertas, where you need to include some manual camera movements in the stop motion animation. For all entries, search #challengenoxon on Instagram.
Manual Camera movements are difficult in stop motion, because it’s difficult to be very precise with the movement. That’s why they invented Camera Sliders which are special tools that can automatically move the camera with each photo that you take. The prize for this competition is a nice Mod Slider made by Noxon (…)
Check these crazy motion videos that Edu Puertas made with the Mod Slider Motor box (announcing this giveaway):
3 Eggs were harmed in the making of this animation. One for the frying sound effects, and 2 stunt doubles. So 3 eggs feature in this video! Can you spot the two switches! The Egg legs are made with aluminium wire and modelling clay, and the broken egg is all modelling clay.
Stop Motion Cooking
People love eggs. People love food. People love videos of food, which is why stop motion cooking has become very popular social media content. People use stop motion animation to show a super quick version of a recipe, and many brands use quick animated social media ads to give customers ideas on how to use their product.